Body Mechanics | Popular Woodworking Save up to 64% and get a free gift. Subscribe » Cart We may receive a commission when you use our affiliate links. However, this does not impact our recommendations. Stable stance. Brace yourself against your bench when more stability is needed. I’ve been teaching now for more than 15 years. And in that time I’ve thought a lot about why students are or are not able to do certain things. Problems arise only rarely as a result of a student not having good information about how something should be done. Most know the steps involved. Many are familiar with multiple methods of cutting dovetails or mortise-and-tenon joints. The problems are almost always more fundamental in nature. If you’re having trouble with your dovetails, or even your band sawing, here are a dozen fundamental things to think about that may help. Stand up Straight? Actually, No Woodworking is one example wher...